Digital Marketing – Workshop

The creation of successful digital strategies as a form of promotion and differentiation of an event or entity are paramount today – getting out of the noise, difference, find a connection with the public and that the immediate can achieve and apprehending the mission of an event is an obstacle that is easy to have because everyone that everything is limited to an image or worse than this nor is it necessary that the content it’s worth it even if it’s original.

This is where you want to work and place all the common marketing tools at the disposal of the digital dimension and their applicability in the web streams, social networks and online and offline advertising.

BIO – Bruno Frederico Retorta de Brito:

I have been fortunate enough to develop a international career in different industries and companies, both big and small. While I have a Digital Marketing background, I have also developed a big interest in programming in the last couple of years – both represent a unique way to interact/engage with people, always in search of the best solution for them.

I have had several interesting challenges throughout my years of professional experience: I have been a product manager for many years, a Community Manager, a TV announcer and I am currently a Digital Marketing professor in my former university. I also develop some websites for friends and small companies.

During my spare time, I love playing around with electronic music and just messing around with my computer. I work out on a daily basis, too.